Bradley's 21st Birthday Celebrations

Posted on Nov 29, 2011 by George Penny
I was so pleased to be invited to Bradley's 21st birthday party celebrations that I decided to write this short article for all his fans.
Wes, Laura and myself set of from a cold, wet and windy Manchester at lunch time. I had to call and see a client on my way down, so we decided to make an early start. We arrived at the venue a little early and were one of the first to arrive. A little imbibing at the bar and I felt better! The staff were very friendly and accommodating and I felt 'at home' straight away.
Our little group moved into the private rooms that were set aside and I saw some old friends and we soon got chatting, before long the room was buzzing with noise and laughter. As well as meeting up with old friends I was introduced to several new faces and although I am a quiet type!!!! I was soon involved in many conversations.
Brad regaled us with tales of the recent test at Jerez and gave us some 'inside information' on the 2012 bike. By the time of this report Brad will have left the UK for a warmer environment, where he plans to 'keep busy' training on his various push bikes and MX bike. He will return home for the Xmas celebrations before once again leaving Blighty to catch up with developments on his Mistral Tech3 bike and start getting the machine ready for the first test of 2012.
A fantastic time was had by all at the party and I even saw Brad eating CAKE! I think he was under pressure from his mum to try the home made fruit cake!
Long journey home, but I am pleased that we were able to share this valuable time in the company of very nice people.
David Booth